a special place where creativity has space to grow

business meeting at blooming

Are you looking for a unique venue for your business meeting? Whether it's an intimate brainstorming session or an extensive three-day training, we have the perfect solution for your gathering.

vergaderen terras blooming hote

a b(l)ooming business gathering

blooming offers charming, spacious, well-lit, and well-equipped meeting spaces for training sessions, gatherings, retreats, workshops, and meetings. Whatever your goal, whoever you invite, or whatever your meeting’s requirements may be, there is always a suitable meeting space available. blooming has years of experience in organizing various business gatherings. We understand what your meeting needs and tailor our services to your preferences. Organizing a meeting at blooming is customized, and we are happy to go the extra mile to make your meeting or training perfect.

What kind of gathering are you planning?

Let your ideas flourish and contact us for a:

  • (multi-day) meeting
  • off-site session
  • training
  • company drinks or party
  • product presentation
  • kick-off
  • team building
  • strategic session
  • networking day or networking event
  • presentation

let your ideas bloom

meeting room zakelijke bijeenkomst blooming
blooming hotel midden in het bos
roomy room two plus two (9.1)
vergaderlocatie Het Hof in Bergen (5)
vergaderlocatie Het Hof in Bergen (6)
vergaderlocatie Het Hof in Bergen (8)
regular room double room (9)
vergaderruimte met groen uitzicht blooming hotel
vergaderlocatie blooming hotel 1
vergaderruimte blooming hotel buiten

Do you want to organize a business meeting at one of our locations?

Your business meeting at one of our locations? We’ll let you know the possibilities right away! Did you know that you can also combine our locations? Contact us via 072 582 0520 or via yourbusiness@weareblooming.com or let us know your preferences via the contact form.